This arrangement represents a comforting smile or a loving hug. With its moon carnations, orange roses and tulips, safari sunset, and liatris, Friendly Embrace is just waiting for you. Order online or call us today!
Each Roses, Cm, Light Yellow, Alstroemeria, Red, Each Carnations, Light Yellow, Each Stock, Pink, Asters, Matsumoto, Hot Pink, Asters, Monte Cassino, Large, Lavender, Chrysanthemums, Button Spray, Yellow, Bupleurum, Huckleberry, Parvifolia Eucalyptus, Each Cylinder Vase, Clear, Syndicate Sales, No C, ( H).
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of roses, alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile.
It’s the blooming season of spring and the perfect time to celebrate with flowers! Send a beautiful arrangement designed by our professional florists or treat yourself to some spring decor! These flowers will have everyone feeling bright. Order our Designer’s Choice Spring bouquet today!
Each Roses, Cm, Peach, Each Carnations, Peach, Carnations, Miniature, White, Chrysanthemums, Button Spray, White, Dusty Miller, Lemon Leaf, Pitta Negra, Succulents, Echeveria, Large, Green, Pot, Block, Mid Mod Geometric Planter, Teleflora, N, ( H X W (Includes Stand) Openi).
Make a stylish statement with this unique bouquet of peach blooms and succulents, presented in a chic ceramic pot with modern wood stand.
Each Roses, Cm, Peach, Each Carnations, Dark Pink, Carnations, Miniature, Peach, Asters, Matsumoto, Hot Pink, Dusty Miller, Huckleberry, Block, Perfect Spring Peach Cylinder, Teleflora, E, ( H X W).
Just peachy! Celebrate spring or any season, with this lush orange and pink bouquet, artfully gathered in a sunset-inspired peach glass vase with shimmering pearlized finish.
Each Roses, Cm, Lavender, Alstroemeria, Lavender, Each Snapdragons, Light Pink, Larkspur, Lavender, Freesia, Lavender, Asters, Matsumoto, Lavender, Asters, Monte Cassino, Large, Purple, Chrysanthemums, Cushion Spray, Lavender, Statice, Sinuata, Purple, Limonium, Lavender, Salal, Seeded Eucalyptus, Each Jewel, Lavender, Teleflora, R, ( H X W Opening).
You won't have to worry about any other bouquet upstaging this gift! At over two feet tall, this is a fabulous way to show someone how much they mean to you.
Peach, Orange, Yellow, White And Fresh Green Are Wonderfully Represented In Roses, Gerberas, Chrysanthemums, Stock, Bupleurum And Alstroemeria Are Delivered In An Exclusive Teleflora Clear Glass Cube Vase Approximately W X H.
Light up someone's day with this bright and bountiful bouquet. Fresh, feminine and utterly fantastic! A magnificent mix of flowers arranged in a glass cube makes this one a clear winner!
Classic Urn Vase, Foliage: Ivy, Myrtle, Pink Gerberas, Lavender Roses, Hot Pink Asters (Motsumoto), White Snapdragons, Bicolored White & Yellow Alstroemeria, Pink Larkspur, White Asters (Monte Casino).
Make their day amazing with this exquisite arrangement! With pink gerberas, lavender roses, white snapdragons, pink larkspur, and more, Amazing Day Bouquet is bursting with color and good vibes. Spread some joy and make someone's day with this vibrant bouquet!
Wooden Cube, Greenwhite Striped Ribbon, Greens: Seeded Eucalyptus, Mini Variegated Pittosporum, Spring Eri (Asparagus Fern), Flowers: Peach Gerberas, Green Hypericum, Lavender Roses, Lavender Stock, Pink Larkspur.
This delightful bouquet is sure to captivate! Filled with gorgeous peach gerberas, lavender roses, pink larkspur, lavender stock, and more, Blooming Wild is a delicate and elegant mix. Send this stunning pastel arrangement to someone you love today!
You can now add any Wine or Spirit to your order!!
In special instructions tell us what you would like, red, white, rose, champagne, Prosecco, Baileys, Rum, whisky, ECT....
Purchased to order, we will need at least 1 days notice.
Thank you.
You deserve a springtime reward. Petal Me Sugar Florist will design a glorious bouquet of spring flowers for your home. Bring in the spring sunshine with a vase of daffodils. Capture the fresh breeze of a spring day with a basket of flowers. Celebrate the simple pleasures of spring with blue iris, pink gerbera daisies or rosy tulips. Feel the day's delight with spring flower arrangements. Everywhere you turn in Aurora, ON the revival of spring is felt. Petal Me Sugar Florist has a charming collection of spring flowers waiting to brighten your day.